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Zanu PF Accuses US of Political Interference in Zimbabwe

Zanu PF Accuses US of Political Interference in Zimbabwe Latest

In a recent development, Zimbabwe’s ruling party, Zanu PF, has alleged that the United States is meddling in the nation’s political landscape. They assert that the Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC) is merely a front for the US, with the aim of facilitating Zimbabwe’s re-colonisation.

International Observers Raise Concerns Over Polls

This accusation follows concerns raised by several international bodies, including the Southern African Development Community Election Observer Mission (SEOM), African Union-Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, European Union Observer Mission, Commonwealth Observer Mission, and the Carter Center. These organizations have expressed reservations about the electoral processes that took place on August 23 and 24.

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The US embassy in Harare echoed these concerns, stating:

“These missions cited problems with the transparency, independence, fairness, and credibility of electoral processes; undue restrictions on the rights to freedom of assembly and association, and freedom of expression that are guaranteed by Zimbabwe’s Constitution and reflected in regional guidelines; reports of voter intimidation; and the disenfranchisement of candidates, particularly women,”

Zanu PF’s Response to Election Results

After the announcement that President Emmerson Mnangagwa secured a 52.6% victory against opposition leader Nelson Chamisa’s 44%, Zanu PF spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa voiced strong opinions. He claimed that the opposition CCC party would never govern Zimbabwe, alleging it to be a tool used by Western powers to reclaim control over the nation.

Mutsvangwa, addressing the media in Harare, remarked:

“America does not want to believe that Africa can make sovereign decisions about its resources. They want to control those resources by putting puppets in government and get them for free. What happens in the end is that they are expecting to have supper of African resources. We have already finished breakfast with the Chinese, the Indians and we are not going to stop and wait for America.”

He further criticized the US for its perceived exploitative approach towards African resources, contrasting it with the practices of other nations like China and India.

Zimbabwe Electoral Commission’s Role

Mutsvangwa also spoke in defense of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) chairperson, Justice Priscilla Chigumba, describing her as an impartial judge. He emphasized the importance of fair judgment, stating that the strength of an institution is tested by the fairness of its judges.

On the other hand, the CCC has not accepted the election results and has expressed intentions to take significant actions in protest against the presidential results as announced by Zec.

Government’s Stance on SADC Report

The Zimbabwean government has expressed dissatisfaction with the Sadc report. Foreign Affairs acting minister Amon Murwira commented that the report strayed from Sadc guidelines. He emphasized:

“We believe SEOM, as our institution, had all avenues open to interrogate, verify and validate information before it is published, in line with Sadc cherished values and principles of transparency, impartiality and non-partisanship. Unfortunately, in some areas cited in the report this did not happen resulting in the views of a partisan nature being presented in the preliminary report as facts.”

As the situation unfolds, the international community and Zimbabweans alike will be keenly watching the developments and their implications for the nation’s political future.

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