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Critical Chicken Meat Shortage Looms in South Africa Amid Avian Influenza Crisis

Critical Chicken Meat Shortage Looms in South Africa Amid Avian Influenza Crisis

South Africa is facing an alarming chicken meat shortage in the near future, as the country grapples with a severe outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H7, also known as Avian Influenza. Dr. Greg Cilliers, a veterinarian and executive board member of the World Veterinary Poultry Association, has issued a stark warning, shedding light on the dire consequences of this ongoing crisis.

Unprecedented Outbreak

Dr. Cilliers has described this Avian Influenza outbreak as the worst ever experienced by the poultry industry in South Africa due to a single virus within a mere four-month period. The impact has been profound, with a devastating loss of broiler breeders, resulting in a significant shortage of broiler chicks in the market.

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Affecting All Aspects of the Poultry Industry

The ramifications of this outbreak are far-reaching and touch every facet of the poultry industry. Adult birds in Gauteng have been severely affected, leading to a shortage of eggs at retailers. Dr. Cilliers highlighted the gravity of the situation, stating, “This is the worst disease outbreak our industry has suffered due to a single virus in a matter of 4 months.”

The virus has seemingly slowed down its spread, largely because there are no longer birds to infect. Dr. Cilliers explained, “All affected broiler and layer breeders have either been culled or died. A small amount of recovered layer birds did not die and should come back into production. The challenge now is restocking bird numbers in an environment that is contaminated with the virus. Without a vaccine, this is simply not possible. All birds that will become adult layers need to be vaccinated; this is not negotiable.”

Impact on Supply Chain and Consumer Prices

The consequences of the Avian Influenza outbreak are rippling through the entire supply chain, affecting businesses involved in chicken sales, day-old chicks, and related products.

Moreover, the recovery process for broiler breeders is a time-consuming endeavor, taking up to 36 weeks, contingent on vaccine availability. For table eggs, the recovery process is even more protracted, extending to 47 weeks.

Calls for Urgent Action

To address this dire situation, Dr. Cilliers has emphasized the urgent need for the registration and use of a vaccine. He has called upon the South African Department of Agriculture, Land Reform, and Rural Development to expedite guidelines for emergency registration of the H7 vaccine and establish a monitoring protocol for vaccinated flocks.

Concerns Over Rising Egg Prices

Meanwhile, South African consumers are expressing their discontent over the recent surge in egg prices. A tray of 30 eggs now costs over R129.99, and 60 eggs are priced at R239.99. This price surge is causing significant concern in a country where eggs are a dietary staple, especially as the cost of living has steadily increased.

In conclusion, South Africa is facing a severe chicken meat shortage as a result of the Avian Influenza crisis. The impact on the poultry industry, supply chain, and consumer prices is substantial. Urgent action, including the use of a vaccine, is needed to mitigate the crisis and ensure the availability of chicken products for South African consumers.

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