Barry Steenkamp Passes Away at 80

Barry Steenkamp Passes Away at 80

Barry Steenkamp, the father of the late model Reeva Steenkamp, has passed away at the age of 80. The Steenkamp family announced his death through a heartfelt message shared on the Reeva Rebecca Steenkamp Foundation page, noting that he died peacefully in his sleep on the evening of September 14.

“It is with heavy hearts that we announce the sudden and peaceful passing of Barry Steenkamp in his sleep, on the early evening of September 14,” the post read. “Barry was a blessing to many, and he will be remembered with love and great fondness. We find solace in the knowledge that he is now with his beloved Reeva.”

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Health Complications Preceded Death

While the exact cause of death remains undisclosed, it has been reported that Barry had been grappling with health complications prior to his passing. He leaves behind his wife June, and two children, Simone and Adam.

A Father’s Unyielding Stance

Reeva Steenkamp, Barry’s daughter, tragically lost her life on Valentine’s Day in 2013, a victim of a shooting by her boyfriend at the time, Oscar Pistorius. Pistorius, who insisted that he mistook Reeva for an intruder, inflicted three gunshot wounds which led to her death at the scene. Following a legal battle, he was sentenced to 13 years and five months in prison, a sentence he is currently challenging at the Constitutional Court.

Throughout the parole bid process, the Steenkamp family has consistently held that Pistorius has not shown genuine remorse for Reeva’s death. Barry Steenkamp had a face-to-face meeting with Pistorius last year, a dialogue facilitated by the Department of Correctional Services as part of the Victim-Offender Dialogue program.

During an interview with MailOnline, Barry shared details of the conversation, expressing his deep-seated frustration with Pistorius’ unwavering version of events.

“I told Oscar directly that he shot my daughter deliberately, and he denied it. He stuck to his story that he thought it was an intruder. After all these years we are still waiting for him to admit he did it in anger. That is all we wanted,” he was quoted as saying. “If he told me the truth, he would have been a free man by now and I would have let the law take its course over his parole. But I was wasting my time. He is a murderer. He should remain in jail.”

Pending Funeral Arrangements

As the Steenkamp family mourns the loss of Barry, details regarding his funeral arrangements remain private at this time. The family, united in grief, cherishes the memory of a man described as a “blessing to many,” holding close the belief that he is now reunited with his beloved daughter, Reeva.

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