How to apply for SASSA R350 Grant

Apply for the R350 grant online to receive timely assistance as a financially struggling citizen. The Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant, administered by the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA), is designed for unemployed individuals, refugees, and those lacking a stable income.

To qualify for the SASSA R350 Grant, you must meet specific criteria: be between 18 and 59 years old, have no other source of income, and not have received any other social grants from SASSA. If you meet these conditions, follow the steps below to apply for the SRD grant:

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SASSA R350 Grant Application

  1. Ensure you have a South African ID card, Green ID book, Asylum permit with a valid File Number, or Special Residency Permit with a Passport and your name and registered cell phone number for the SRD Grant Application.
  2. Visit the SRD portal online to initiate the application process.
  3. Enter your Cell Phone Number and click the “Send SMS” button
  4. Receive a 6 digit OTP number in the message
  5. Enter the OTP number and click the ” Verify Pin” button
  6. Agree to the Terms and Conditions for Declaration and Consent Document Rules
  7. South African ID holders can provide an ID number, while others can enter a Special Permit File Number
  8. Provide personal details, including Name, Surname, Address and Gender
  9. Provide your banking details (Bank Name, Branch, Account Type and Number) or choose the payment option “Send Cash”
  10. Submit your payment option and agree to the Terms and Conditions
  11. Wait for SASSA verifications from the Department of Home Affairs database for your personal and banking details
  12. Receive a SASSA confirmation message on your mobile number indicating your SRD R350 grant is active

Asylum Seekers and Special Permit holders will receive a Payment ID to collect payment at Pick ‘n Pay.

After successfully applying for the SASSA R350 application, perform an SRD Status Check Online.

Important Note for SASSA SRD Grant Applicants

To ensure approval:

  • Verify that your income aligns with the eligibility criteria.
  • Double-check your personal details, mobile number, employment information, and banking information for accuracy.

If your SRD R350 online application is declined or you haven’t received a Payment ID, it may be due to reasons such as exceeding income eligibility or providing incorrect information. In such cases, SASSA Reapplication for R350 Grant is the only option to seek reconsideration and another opportunity to receive the grant from South African national authorities.


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